Exploring the impressive Peña de Bernal

Exploring the impressive Peña de Bernal



Peña de Bernal is a popular place for its impressive granite rock formation over 335 meters high, which is one of the highest in the world. It is also known for its natural beauty, walking trails, panoramic views, and for being a sacred place for indigenous people.


Peña de Bernal is a place with a rich history and cultural tradition. Some of the traditions include:

Annual celebration of the San Francisco festival, which is held in honor of the town's patron saint.

Use of Peña de Bernal as a sacred place by the indigenous people of the region, where rituals and offerings are made.

The rock art in the rock formation, which is considered a cultural treasure and heritage of humanity.

The tradition of climbing the rock formation to enjoy the impressive panoramic views.

These traditions are an important part of Peña de Bernal's culture and heritage and contribute to making this place a unique and interesting place to visit.

Cheese bread

Yes, Cheese Bread is a delicious local food and it is highly recommended to try it in Peña de Bernal, Querétaro. It is a type of bread made with fresh cheese and is popular for its unique flavor and texture. There are plenty of local stalls and shops selling Pan de Queso in the area, so you won't have a problem finding a place to try it.


Quartzes are important in Peña de Bernal, Querétaro, because they are an integral part of the rock formation and are known to have healing and energetic properties. The rock formation is rich in quartz, including crystals of rose, white, and amethyst quartz, making it an attractive spot for tourists interested in mineralogy and geology.

Additionally, many people believe that quartz has healing and energetic properties and that rose quartz crystals in particular have the ability to help balance and harmonize emotions and the body. For this reason, Peña de Bernal is a popular place for meditation and yoga, and it is a place where many people go in search of inner peace and well-being.


A guided tour will give you the opportunity to learn about the history, culture, and geology of the rock formation, allowing you to safely enjoy the scenic views and natural beauty of the area.

Plus, local guides know the area well and can take you to the best viewpoints and places you might otherwise miss. They can also provide you with information about local traditions and legends, which will make your experience even more enriching.

In short, taking a tour in Peña de Bernal is an excellent way to make sure you enjoy all that this place has to offer.


Getting a "clean" in Peña de Bernal, Querétaro, is a spiritual and cultural tradition that takes place in the rock formation. The "clean" is a purification ritual that is carried out with the aim of releasing negativity, bad luck and emotional blockages.

In practice, the "cleansing" may include the use of tools such as herbal leaves, feathers, salt, water, and other items, and may be performed by a healer or spiritual guide. The idea is that the positive energy of the rock formation and the quartz in the area help to purify and harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

It is important to note that the "clean" is a cultural and spiritual practice that may be meaningful to some people, but is not necessary to enjoy the beauty and panoramic views of Peña de Bernal.

Be sure to take photos of the panoramic viewpoints, the quartzes, and anything else that catches your eye in the rock formation.

In short, taking photos at Peña de Bernal is an excellent way to ensure that you capture and preserve the memories of your visit to this impressive place.